
What is Networking port

Networking port is a end-point of communication over the internet. For example, when we send or receive the data over the internet, then there is a one end-point and this end-point is called port. Why we need of it? When the computer is doing peer-to-peer(Point-to-point) communication means, one computer is communicating with individual one computer then there is no need of any type of port, but when computer is start to connected with many computers, many networks then there is a requirement of different port and every port specify with a unique number for example 80 is of HTTP, 21 is of FTP and so on.     There are 65535 port are available and each port is provide different services for example when for browsing it uses other port, for email uses other and for file uploading uses other port and so on.

How sql injection works?

SQL injection is a website hacking technique where attackers first find the vulnerability in web site then attack on that website through SQL injection. Generally SQL injection is used for injecting some malicious SQL query in database of the website to find information from the database. As shown in below table the user provide his/her username and password at the same time the attacker send some malicious code in web server and instead of user the attacker gets logins into the server .